- 2008.01.24 Thursday
- 各種検証もどき
さらさんにコメントをいただいいた1024分率説について(Studio GobliやLetticiaさんのところでも話題になってました)、ソースをあたってみました。
→ こちら

[2/20 20:00 加筆あり]
After trying to deduce the skill tiers for Victory March and it's haste gains, it became obvious that the previous model of x/512 wasn't working. I started from scratch with a new model x/1024. The model is more accurate than the previous one, but there are relatively few changes. For example, Homam Hands being 3% haste = 30/1024... this is equivalent to 15/512 under the previous model.
-Recast can only be between 0 seconds and 255 seconds.
-Haste is calculated by the equation:
y=floor( (1-x)*c )
y=New delay or new recast 新しいディレイまたはリキャスト
x=Haste amount ヘイスト値
c=Base delay or base recast 元のディレイまたはリキャスト
※注 floor():()内の計算結果よりも小さい整数のうち最大の値を返す関数(この場合であれば小数点以下切捨てと同じ)。
-Haste attainable from equipment is capped at 256/1024 (25%)
装備ヘイストのキャップは256/1024 (25%)
-Haste attainable from magical sources is capped at 448/1024 (43.75%)
-Weakness caps you at -1024/1024 magical haste. (100% Slow)
-Fast Cast appears to be applied after or before the effects of Haste and only affects recast.
-Dual Wield is applied before the effects of Haste and only affects Attack Delay.
The following items have been verified:
ブリッツリング(Blitz Ring) = 11/1024
ホマム手足(Homam Hands, Feet),ダスク足+1( Dusk Feet+1),ダスク手( Dusk Hands) = 30/1024
ホマム脚・ファストキャスト効果除く(Homam Pants(not counting Fast Cast)) = 30/1024(Most likely)
エースヘルム(Ace's Helm) = 40/1024
ワラーラターバン(Turban) = 50/1024
スピードベルト(Speed Belt) = 61/1024
魔法ヘイスト(Haste Spell) = 150/1024
ルーンチョッパー(Rune Chopper) = 90/1024
進撃マーチ+2楽器付き(Advancing March (/w +2 horn)) = 96/1024
ヘイストベルト(Haste Belt) = 102/1024(魔法枠 Magical haste)
カタストロフ(Catastrophe) = 102/1024(装備枠 Equipment haste)
ファストキャスト(Fast Cast:)
ロケイシャスピアス(Loq Earring) = 10/1024
ホマム脚ファストキャスト(Homam Pants(Fast Cast only)) = 20/1024(Most Likely)
※2/20追記 ↑上記については、「装備枠ヘイストによるキャスト短縮効果」とファストキャストによるキャスト短縮効果を「足している」ことから、正しくないそうです。なお、ファストキャストについては、1024分率ではなく百分率で効果が設定されているという説があることを追記しておきます(Mさんコメントありがとうございます)。
※1/28 さらに別エントリーから追加
薄金足(Usukane feet) = 20/1024
薄金脚(Usukane pants) = 30/1024
白虎佩楯(Byakko Pants) = 50/1024
八双 = 102/1024
デスペレートブロー1段階 = 50/1024(1段階ごとに50ずつup)
Below is a chart /w tested values of haste on Victory March[Editted: 1/10]:
482-485 110
486-491 111
492-498 112
499-505 113
506-512 114
513-518 115
519-525 116
526-532 117
533-539 118
540-545 119
546-552 120
553-554 121
Advancing March /w +0 instrument: 64/1024
Advancing March /w +1 instrument: 80/1024
Advancing March /w +2 instrument: 96/1024
+1楽器の効果(+1 Instrument grants) +16/1024
+2楽器の効果(+2 Instrument grants) +32/1024
All of this data can be deduced by first making the assumption that haste values can be accurately described by x/1024.
Using Victory March and varying degrees of skill gear, combined with dread spikes recast, you will find changes in recast at:
471/472 skill
505/506 skill
545/546 skill
Normalli a given recast will give you a range of 4-5 possible values of Haste values. Since the recast changes at those skill markers, we can accurately determine that they are the lowest and highest in their respective skill ranges.
Since you are able to change skill gear and increment Victory March by 1/1024 you can accurately combine it with equipment and look for where the recast changes. After finishing the March chart, I was able to test everything precisely.
I did test whether sing/wind had different potency, but it was not the case. Both are factored equalli. The max skill I was able to obtain on my friend's brd is 551. I'm missing a possible 9 skill total which is why I'm unable to test any higher march tiers.
After trying to deduce the skill tiers for Victory March and it's haste gains, it became obvious that the previous model of x/512 wasn't working. I started from scratch with a new model x/1024. The model is more accurate than the previous one, but there are relatively few changes. For example, Homam Hands being 3% haste = 30/1024... this is equivalent to 15/512 under the previous model.
-Recast can only be between 0 seconds and 255 seconds.
-Haste is calculated by the equation:
y=floor( (1-x)*c )
y=New delay or new recast 新しいディレイまたはリキャスト
x=Haste amount ヘイスト値
c=Base delay or base recast 元のディレイまたはリキャスト
※注 floor():()内の計算結果よりも小さい整数のうち最大の値を返す関数(この場合であれば小数点以下切捨てと同じ)。
-Haste attainable from equipment is capped at 256/1024 (25%)
装備ヘイストのキャップは256/1024 (25%)
-Haste attainable from magical sources is capped at 448/1024 (43.75%)
-Weakness caps you at -1024/1024 magical haste. (100% Slow)
-Fast Cast appears to be applied after or before the effects of Haste and only affects recast.
-Dual Wield is applied before the effects of Haste and only affects Attack Delay.
The following items have been verified:
ブリッツリング(Blitz Ring) = 11/1024
ホマム手足(Homam Hands, Feet),ダスク足+1( Dusk Feet+1),ダスク手( Dusk Hands) = 30/1024
ホマム脚・ファストキャスト効果除く(Homam Pants(not counting Fast Cast)) = 30/1024(Most likely)
エースヘルム(Ace's Helm) = 40/1024
ワラーラターバン(Turban) = 50/1024
スピードベルト(Speed Belt) = 61/1024
魔法ヘイスト(Haste Spell) = 150/1024
ルーンチョッパー(Rune Chopper) = 90/1024
進撃マーチ+2楽器付き(Advancing March (/w +2 horn)) = 96/1024
ヘイストベルト(Haste Belt) = 102/1024(魔法枠 Magical haste)
カタストロフ(Catastrophe) = 102/1024(装備枠 Equipment haste)
ファストキャスト(Fast Cast:)
ロケイシャスピアス(Loq Earring) = 10/1024
ホマム脚ファストキャスト(Homam Pants(Fast Cast only)) = 20/1024(Most Likely)
※2/20追記 ↑上記については、「装備枠ヘイストによるキャスト短縮効果」とファストキャストによるキャスト短縮効果を「足している」ことから、正しくないそうです。なお、ファストキャストについては、1024分率ではなく百分率で効果が設定されているという説があることを追記しておきます(Mさんコメントありがとうございます)。
※1/28 さらに別エントリーから追加
薄金足(Usukane feet) = 20/1024
薄金脚(Usukane pants) = 30/1024
白虎佩楯(Byakko Pants) = 50/1024
八双 = 102/1024
デスペレートブロー1段階 = 50/1024(1段階ごとに50ずつup)
Below is a chart /w tested values of haste on Victory March[Editted: 1/10]:
482-485 110
486-491 111
492-498 112
499-505 113
506-512 114
513-518 115
519-525 116
526-532 117
533-539 118
540-545 119
546-552 120
553-554 121
Advancing March /w +0 instrument: 64/1024
Advancing March /w +1 instrument: 80/1024
Advancing March /w +2 instrument: 96/1024
+1楽器の効果(+1 Instrument grants) +16/1024
+2楽器の効果(+2 Instrument grants) +32/1024
I also went back and redid some delay tests~レリックサイズでクフタルの為を殴ってみたらしいですが省略。原文ではヘイスト量と攻撃速度の関係がグラフ化されてます。
My first test, was to use Relic Scythe(999 Delay):
SV Marches x2 + Haste Spell + Capped Eq + Hasso + Desp Blows = ~(956/1024)
(1-956/1024) * 999 = ~66.3398 delay
66.3398 delay / 60 = ~1.105 hits per second
1.105 x 30 = ~33.1699 frames per hit
My test showed 33.43 frames per hit. This is sufficient enough to assume we're reaching the expected ~93.35% haste.
I also performed delay tests on a crab, /w and /wo slow.
Robber Crab(Kuftal):
Normal: ~242 Delay (~121.1 frames per attack)
Elegy + Slow: ~411 Delay (~205.4 frames per attack)
Estimated Slow% from this data: ~70%
This test shows that slow follows the same equation for haste, and acts as a negative haste value.
To better show the accelerating gains of haste, I made a simple graph. The idea is to show that at normal haste values, adding haste is not as benficial as it is at higher values. X-Axis is Haste%, Y-Axis is the number of times you'd attack in a normal attack round compared to base delay.
All of this data can be deduced by first making the assumption that haste values can be accurately described by x/1024.
Using Victory March and varying degrees of skill gear, combined with dread spikes recast, you will find changes in recast at:
471/472 skill
505/506 skill
545/546 skill
Normalli a given recast will give you a range of 4-5 possible values of Haste values. Since the recast changes at those skill markers, we can accurately determine that they are the lowest and highest in their respective skill ranges.
Since you are able to change skill gear and increment Victory March by 1/1024 you can accurately combine it with equipment and look for where the recast changes. After finishing the March chart, I was able to test everything precisely.
I did test whether sing/wind had different potency, but it was not the case. Both are factored equalli. The max skill I was able to obtain on my friend's brd is 551. I'm missing a possible 9 skill total which is why I'm unable to test any higher march tiers.